Cedar Heights Baptist Church (CHBC) is a local church located in Cedar Falls, Iowa. We average 270 in attendance. Currently, we are a Baptist Church that is not affiliated with any denomination. We are committed to the 9 Marks of a Healthy Church and our pastors fellowship with The Gospel Coalition of Eastern Iowa.
CHBC is a church committed to living out our mission statement: “Desiring to reflect the glory of God in all things.” We place a high value on gathering regularly in corporate worship where God is the focus of our meetings. We also encourage all our members to be actively involved in a small group where they can experience community as they share a common love for Jesus Christ and one another. It is in our small groups where we intentionally disciple the next generation of followers of Christ and develop leaders to serve in the church and community. And it is our love for God and passion for His glory that we desire to take His gospel to our neighbors locally and to the nations globally. We believe there is nothing greater than the joy of being part of God’s work and mission in our community, city and world.