

Cedar Heights Baptist Church (CHBC) is a local church located in Cedar Falls, Iowa. We average 270 in attendance. Currently, we are a Baptist Church that is not affiliated with any denomination. We are committed to the 9 Marks of a Healthy Church and our pastors fellowship with The Gospel Coalition of Eastern Iowa.

CHBC is a church committed to living out our mission statement: “Desiring to reflect the glory of God in all things.” We place a high value on gathering regularly in corporate worship where God is the focus of our meetings. We also encourage all our members to be actively involved in a small group where they can experience community as they share a common love for Jesus Christ and one another. It is in our small groups where we intentionally disciple the next generation of followers of Christ and develop leaders to serve in the church and community. And it is our love for God and passion for His glory that we desire to take His gospel to our neighbors locally and to the nations globally. We believe there is nothing greater than the joy of being part of God’s work and mission in our community, city and world.

How to Join

Both Christ and Paul pointed us toward membership for our encouragement, our protection, our discipline and our instruction. We seek to admit members to Cedar Heights Baptist Church by the following: Discover CHBC Class Anyone interested in learning more about CHBC and what makes us who we are should plan to join one of our two-week Sunday school classes called…

Doctrinal Statement

From the time of the Apostles to today, Christians have laid out doctrine (beliefs) in brief, definitive statements. As those who know God, we believe it necessary to set forth in a concise fashion the essential truths of our church as guided by Scripture. Our Confession of Faith summarizes essential Christian beliefs, shows unity in Christ, and guards the church from…


Having received Jesus Christ as our Savior, and having followed Him in believer’s baptism, we are joyfully entering into a covenant between one another, as the Body of Christ. We covenant, by God’s grace and the aid of the Holy Spirit, to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is our sincere desire to love the Lord our God with all our…

What to Expect When You Visit

We’d love to have you join us Sundays at 9 or 10:45 a.m.  Here are some things you might want to know: When you arrive, you can drop off passengers at the circle driveway and/or park anywhere in the parking lot. Our greeters will welcome you as you enter and show you where to go. Feel free to ask them any questions. We have a welcome center upstairs in the foyer. Our…

Church Directory

Below you may download our church directory (available in two formats). The documents are password protected. To request the password, you may contact us. Please read the Online Directory Policy before use. Church Directory (PDF) Church Directory Booklet Layout (PDF)

Core Values

The Four Pillars of CHBC       Want to hear more about how the four pillars inform and impact our mission?