
Women’s Prayer Evening

Bauer home

Lynn Bauer will open her home again for a women's prayer night. Candace Buskohl will lead us in praying through some scripture.


Women’s Study: “People of the Promised Land”

Christensen home

Join us for our fall Bible study, "People of the Promised Land" (a Bible Study Fellowship home discussion). We'll study Joshua, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 Kings 1-11 and overviews of Psalms and Proverbs. Dani Christensen and Carmen Christie will lead the study. Space is limited. Sign up in the foyer or by contacting Dani. Childcare provided by two college students for around 10 children.

Thanksgiving Meal and Time of Praise

Cedar Heights Baptist Church 2430 Neola St., Cedar Falls, IA

Turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy will be provided. Bring a side dish and dessert to share. Please also consider sharing a brief testimony glorifying God for his work in your life over the past year.   If you are available to help set up, serve food, or clean up, please sign up at church on Sunday, Nov. 11, or contact the church office.