Campus House Cafe

Young Adult/Post-College Big Game Party

Campus House Cafe 2106 Campus Street, Cedar Falls, IA

We invite young adults/post-college folks to join us for a party while watching the big game at the Campus House. We will provide chili dogs, tacos and snacks.

Ladies’ Brunch and Morning Workshop: “Sharing Your Faith in Your Everyday World”

Campus House Cafe 2106 Campus Street, Cedar Falls, IA

Ladies, join us at the Campus House, 2016 Campus Street, for a morning of food, fellowship and encouragement. Janice Hewitt, Dani Christensen, Julia Dawkins, and Debbie Bell will share tools they have seen God use to open doors for the gospel. Our desire for this event is that we will learn from one another and be able to pray more effectively for one another as we each seek to obey the great commission and make disciples.