Can you find out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limit of the Almighty?
Job 11:7
Has your kid ever stumped you with a question about God? We don’t know of a resource that could completely prevent that. But we do have some resources that might better equip you for those crucial conversations with your children.
In his introduction to Incomparable: Explorations in the Character of God, Andrew Wilson states, “I am convinced that if your knowledge of God doesn’t grow, then neither will you.” For this reason, he has written a book of theology (the study of God) so that those of us without extensive training or seminary degrees can grow in our knowledge of God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible. In this book, Wilson writes 60 short essays on God. Each chapter is just a couple pages written in a very accessible voice but touching on profound truths of who God is. His purpose is clear from the introduction where he says, “Theology fuels worship. We cannot worship what we do not know; we cannot delight in what we have not seen.” Wilson’s writing is clearly bent toward leading his reader to worship. After each section of essays, he has a break where he writes to encourage reflection and worship whether it be through a psalm, prayer or hymn. We highly recommend this book.
Talking With Your Kids About God by Natasha Crain is very different from Wilson’s book. Crain covers some of the same material (God as creator, natural revelation, the trinity, God’s love and justice). However, it is written in a different way and for a different purpose. Crain describes in her introduction that in her experience as a mom and blogger, she became aware of the unique challenges facing kids today so she wrote “this book as a resource for Christian parents on 30 of the most important subjects.” Each chapter is written to prompt conversation with kids, addressing doubts and challenges. Her style is full of personal anecdotes and includes questions and conversation starters.
Whether you choose one of these two new books on God or go with a classic like Packer’s Knowing God, investing time reading on the attributes of God is a worthy part of your life as a disciple. Incorporating a book about God to your reading list is an excellent way to pursue growing in the knowledge of God for His glory and your good.
And so from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.
Colossians 1:9-10