Review: Right Now Media

Review: Right Now Media

What is it? 
RightNow Media is a curation of streaming library of over 20,000 Bible study videos that church leaders can share with their congregation. Content includes Topical studies, Books of the Bible, Small Groups, Kids Shows, Youth Studies, Women Studies, Men’s Studies. Content is accessed via smartphone application, web browser, or smart TV/screen casting devices. There are options to do audio only for limiting internet bandwidth usage. It is a subscription based service

Who’s it for? 
Pretty much everyone; men, women, children, parents, married couples, singles. The content is all based on Biblical truth.

How’d it go? 
“This is a great resource! We used the content for finding relevant topics for guiding small group studies.  The videos are well done with great sound quality.  
The children’s content can be trusted to allow children to watch, knowing that the content is sound and appropriate for children.  Popular shows are Bibleman the Animated Adventures, Mr. Phil Show, Superbook, Ryan DeFretes, 3-2-1 Penguins, What’s in the Bible, Owlegories. Risers worship songs are also good.” – Jared VerDught