While we are passionate about teaching kids about the Gospel and helping them grow in their walk with God, Scripture is clear that the primary responsibility of discipleship belongs to parents. All of Cedar Heights Kids Online exists to help parents in this important task, but here are a few books specifically on the topic of Family Discipleship that we think could be helpful to you!
1. Family Discipleship
This book provides a simple overview of discipleship that is encouraging and achievable. We hosted a Sunday school class on this in the fall semester of 2022. It’s a great book and the accompanying podcast is equally helpful.
You can check out our full review of this book here.
2. Habits of the Household
While Family Discipleship takes a “big picture” approach to discipleship, this book focuses more on several specific things you can do in your home to leverage the mundane moments for spiritual formation. The author explains the influence that habits have on our lives and on our growth and then helps show how to create healthy spiritual habits. This book can be overwhelming at times but it’s incredibly practical!
You can check out our full review of this book here.
3. Family Worship
This short and easily readable book has a very specific focus on the time a family sets aside each day to worship together. It’s convicting but gracious and very practical. And it’s the shortest book on this list!