What is it?
“God’s Very Good Idea is to have lots of different people enjoying loving him and loving each other. This stunningly-illustrated journey from the garden of Eden to God’s heavenly throne room shows how despite our sinfulness, everyone can be a part of God’s very good idea through the saving work of Christ.
“This book will help children see how people from all ethnic and social backgrounds are valuable to God and how Jesus came to rescue all kinds of people. It will also excite them about being part of church.” – Lifeway
Who’s it for?
This book is part of the “Tales That Tell The Truth” book series from Lifeway Publishers (check out a review of the entire series here). Like all the other books in the series, this book is designed to engage little children (3- to 6-year-olds) with a biblical truth or story as their parents read to them. The great storytelling combined with incredible illustrations is wonderful for helping kids understand and remember what the book is about.
How’d it go?
“Overall a great book. It kept our 3-year-old’s attention but wasn’t too babyish. The pictures were fantastic! Our kids loved the pictures of the different people. They were excited to be nice to others and love our own church family!” – Nicole Bolthouse
“I used this for kindergarten Sunday school. It was great. They were intrigued and liked the pictures. I stressed that the most important thing they will ever know is mentioned in this book — that this book is not the Bible, but it shares the most important thing — and that really peeked their interest. Then for the rest of the lesson we talked about salvation. It made for a good kindergarten lesson!” – Erin Dalziel