Cedar Heights Kids Online (Page 8)
Welcome to Cedar Heights Kids Online!
This space is intended to accompany the in-person children’s ministries of Cedar Heights Baptist Church by offering a digital resource library for parents. Our goal is to partner with parents in the spiritual formation of their children, and we hope this space will help us do that!
Raise the Banner and Raise the Stakes
Understanding (and explaining) Sin
by Carter Brown Our understanding of sin directly affects our understanding of the Gospel. So for the sake of our own worship and our instruction of our kids, we need to make sure we understand sin properly. There are a number of avenues we could pursue to accomplish this goal. I could recommend a variety of books or sermon series or write a long and thorough paper…
The Question of Identity: Who Am I and Why Does It Matter?
The Importance (and difficulty) of Family Devotions
Books About God for Parents
Can you find out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limit of the Almighty?Job 11:7 Has your kid ever stumped you with a question about God? We don’t know of a resource that could completely prevent that. But we do have some resources that might better equip you for those crucial conversations with your children. In his introduction to Incomparable: Explorations…